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Julie Moulder from The Fix Company

Julie Moulder from The Fix Company

Who is Julie?

Meet Julie, Co-founder of The Fix Company!

About The Fix Company 

What if women and people with periods could be at their best because of their hormones, not in spite of them?

The Fix Company, founded by Julie Moulder and Kate Everitt, answers this fundamental question. The brand provides hormone-powered wellbeing for customers through scientifically proven, symptom specific supplements. Understanding the challenges and problems that come with the menstrual cycle, Julie and Kate strive to revolutionize the women’s wellness industry.

Julie’s Journey

Although The Fix Company was founded during COVID-19, Julie and her business partner Kate Everitt worked together for ten years, developing products for industry leading brands worldwide.

During their career together,  Julie and Kate introduced products to markets in a wide range of categories, such as vitamins, infant formula, and cosmetics. All the while, the two’s philosophy on innovation—to make a difference through every product they introduce to market—remained the driving force of their partnership.

While Julie’s initial career kicked off working for global furniture giant IKEA, she had spent most of her career in marketing, design, and innovation. When Julie and Kate’s backgrounds merged, their personal experiences led to the creation of their company. Over their ten-year partnership, the two realized that they not only had a passion for innovation and product development but also suffered from painful period symptoms. They soon identified that there was ample space in the market for a business focused on products that relieved the symptoms that many women deal with regularly.

Crafting the Company

Julie says that the trick for her and Kate was to ensure that their company would forge a new  market rather than overflow an already exhausted E-Commerce environment. Before they founded The Fix, they spent majority of their time redeveloping products for companies that already existed, in categories that were somewhat saturated. Eventually, the two found a category within womens healthcare that was, like many womens segments, undervalued, under-resourced, and under-financed and they knew they could make a difference..

During their extensive category research, Julie and Kate found that globally, 93% of women and people with periods suffer from severe hormonal symptoms. The category is understandably huge, considering that that’s almost half the population. Julie and Kate were tasked with navigating this issue in a world that has ignored it for a long time, which Julie says has been both exciting and challenging.

Throughout all of the challenges, she says that their work is always driven by personal passion.

The Fix Company Team Philosophy

The Fix Company team consists of Julie, who manages marketing and digital customers; Kate, who oversees operations, strategy, and innovation; and a few employees who support day-to-day operations in finance, legal, manufacturing, 3PL, logistics, marketing, and support.

As Julie and Kate began structuring the business, they knew that they wanted to create a remote team where they could resource the best of the best in their fields, no matter of geographic location. They understood that a healthy work-life balance would bring out the best in their team members. The team can work when and where they feel the most comfortable. The founders are staunch believers in the idea that there needs to be a balance between the workplace and the real lives of the people who work for the company. The flexibility that Julie and Kate offer their team has created a system where each employee will tend to go above and beyond in the work they produce for The Fix, simply due to the confidence and trust the founders have instilled in the team.

Prioritizing Team Member Wellness

Julie says there are many interconnected aspects that business leaders don’t think about when structuring their company. As for The Fix Company, Julie and Kate felt that it was important to prioritize the team’s wellness because a stressful work schedule can lead to a plethora of health issues. 

One of the things that people suffer from with their periods is that they can have Vitamin D issues, which for example, is just a tiny portion of a PCOS diagnosis, Julie explains. To combat health issues like this, leaders at The Fix Company ask their team members to care for themselves and pay attention to their health by going for daily walks, taking meetings not in front of the computer and using technology to understand how their work and focus might be effected by their cycle and adapting accordingly

Julie says that she and Kate are on board with whatever will drive the team’s wellness and make them more productive and passionate about their work for the company.

Evolution of Customer Service

In E-Commerce, business leaders are always looking for a better solution and the next thing that will improve the company and its revenue. When it comes to customer experience, Julie says The Fix Company has adopted the philosophy that the customer is always right and treating them with care and kindness whilst being honest and informative is imperative to the customer experience . 

The Fix Company team believes every customer is as important as the next; therefore, Julie wants each customer’s experience from their first touchpoint with the brand through their purchasing journey, and onto their ongoing interactions, to be one of unparalleled ease and comfort. 

In a category that is often associated with shame and stigma, Julie’s team treats every customer with respect and dignity and wants to go to the next step that ensures customer security within their journey with the brand. 

The hormonal wellness market is a deeply personal space, and each customer may be experiencing different things. Because of this, every customer’s journey with the company is inherently different. Julie explains that showing the customer the respect they probably haven’t received or a more profound understanding goes a long way when the team interacts with customers. 

The personal touch that comes from Julie and Kate’s own period and hormonal issues and experiences is another touching way that the company connects with customers. In Julie’s opinion, this aspect is vital.

The Fix Company’s Growth Strategies

Julie and Kate are no strangers to innovation and design. Using their ten years of experience in the field, the two strive to continue developing their business and discover new avenues for growth. 

As the company has grown, the founders have challenged themselves to innovate something new every day, whether it’s innovating how the team interacts with customers, a new way to present comms or the products they bring to the market. Julie says that if you look back on all the things you’ve accomplished during the day, you’ll find at least ten things you’ve done made that are a fresh take on something older. The Fix Company team works to instill that philosophy in everything that they do. 

As a company, the Fix is forging a new category that doesn’t exist and are teaching people what hormonal wellbeing is about and why it matters. Because of this, Julie and Kate can decide the trajectory of where their company goes. Their ultimate challenge is deciding how to create an innovative path that ensures they can nurture customers beyond a single product purchase.

Julie says that she and Kate are aware of not only their customers needs but also what they have to put back into the business from founder and investor perspectives. Everything they can manage always goes back into the business, but the two have found a good balance between their personal lives and elevating the company. 

Elevating to the Next Level

Because Julie and Kate are innovators, their company has a strong product pipeline. To move forward and continue to innovate and elevate in the future, The Fix Company team will analyze data and listen to consumer feedback to determine which aspects of the business can be improved. Primarily, the team will look to improve product innovation and business streams. 

Julie and Kate want to incorporate new technology into their products to improve customer experience. Julie mentioned that she and Kate are looking into how The Fix can utilise the growing smarts in femtech and exploring how it can make customers’ lives easier. 

The two want to expand their company so that customers can engage with its products from their first menstrual cycle to their last and become more of a generational product. To do this, the company wants to encourage competition and provide more solutions for women and people with periods around the world — they don’t have to be embarrassed or stigmatized for looking for solutions to feel better. Ultimately, The Fix Company wants to broaden the conversation around hormonal health so women can have more control for the rest of their lives.

Advice for Entrepreneurs

Business leaders should over-prepare when starting a new business and developing their product. In Julie’s opinion, entrepreneurs shouldn’t be afraid to present their products early, even if they don’t feel ready. They can never generate interest too quickly in their product or brand. You can also learn early and make changes before you go out to a wider audience.

 Although some business leaders see a sudden boost in interest and engagement, Julie re-iterates it takes time for most businesses to grow and earn revenue. If leaders aren’t passionate about their business and working in E-Commerce, Julie advises them not to do it because success takes time and patience.

Rapid Fire

Can’t-Live-Without-Tool: InDesign

Key Hiring Trait: Authenticity and honesty.

Favorite Book or Podcast: “The Imperfects,” a podcast that features people who openly discuss their imperfections and how they overcame challenges.

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