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Cody Sanders from Mixhers

Cody Sanders from Mixhers

Who is Cody?

Cody Sanders is the Co-Founder of Mixhers!

What is Mixhers?

Mixhers was founded to help women deal with hormonal issues through supplements. They provide products that are designed to treat not just the symptoms but the cause of the issue itself. Mixhers focuses heavily not just on selling to its customers but also on educating them in the form of podcasts, online content, and other support materials. 

Why Cody Founded Mixhers

Cody, a holistic health practitioner and functional nutritionist, set out on a mission to address the unique health challenges faced by women. Her specific focus was holistically maximizing hormonal health. 

As she worked with her clients, she identified a common frustration. Many women she met felt sidelined and discouraged due to symptoms associated with hormonal irregularities. 

She noticed that traditional healthcare solutions offered mostly surface-level support. There were ways to provide symptom relief, but few resources were there to tackle the root cause of the problem. In other words, she’d noticed a major gap, not just in the marketplace, but in how women’s health was being handled. She became determined to fill that gap. 

Cody identified three main root causes of hormonal imbalance symptoms: nutrient deficiency, chronic stress, and poor detoxification. Believing in a holistic approach, she sought to address these issues through nutritional therapy and lifestyle modifications.

This commitment led to the development of Mixhers' inaugural product, Her Time. Packed with key nutrients nourishing the endocrine system and hormones, the supplement aimed to provide comprehensive support.

“When our endocrine system for our entire body gets the nutrients that it needs, our bodies are able to function optimally they are designed.”

During the research and development phase, Cody conducted studies involving women, one of whom would become her future business partner, Jess Toolson. Jess's personal journey, marked by post-pregnancy challenges, aligned with Cody's mission. Jess had experienced common symptoms like mood swings, heavy bleeding, prolonged periods, and even acne, which became a turning point for her.

Impressed by the positive effects of Cody's formula during the study, Jess approached Cody with a desire to share this solution with women worldwide. Recognizing the potential impact, Cody and Jess joined forces, officially launching Mixhers in 2019.

In the initial stages, Cody managed Mixhers alongside her private practice, while Jess, living in Europe, contributed part-time. Despite challenges and societal taboos around discussing women's health, especially periods, Cody and Jess leveraged word of mouth and social media to create a platform for open conversations.

“We use what we had, we use word of mouth and we got on our social media and we just started talking about periods. And that was something at the time, even just that short of a time ago was taboo. Like we were getting a lot of negative feedback from people like, Oh, don't talk about this. This is disgusting.”

Their perseverance on social media, despite initial pushback, eventually paid off. As influencers and individuals with platforms began discussing these crucial health topics, a significant need for education and awareness emerged. 

Mixhers became a resource for women seeking information about their bodies and health, transcending societal taboos, and fostering a community of shared experiences.

Biggest Challenges

Cody views challenges as an opportunity for growth."Oh, there's always challenges. You know, but that's always a good thing too. We try to look at it as a positive because when there are challenges, that just shows that we're growing, and challenges allow for growth.”

In her role as the Chief Product Officer (CPO) at Mixhers, Cody takes pride in being hands-on with the formulation of all products. "I formulate all of our products. And just with that being said, that kind of helps us stand apart from other supplement companies as well," Cody explained.

Cody's unique background in mythology and traditional Chinese medicine brings a distinctive touch to Mixhers' formulations. However, this uniqueness also presents challenges in finding manufacturers aligned with Mixhers' standards. "We have gone through about four or five manufacturers just in the four years that we've been in business.”

Expressing satisfaction with the current manufacturing landscape, Cody emphasizes the new challenge of managing rapid growth. 

"But now we're dealing with rapid growth, and so you have to make sure that not only do you have a really good, reliable manufacturer, but then you also have to make sure that the manufacturer is able to keep up with your growth.”

Expanding beyond its roots as a direct-to-consumer online company, Mixhers has entered the retail wholesale space, securing placements in CVS stores across the country. Cody notes the fulfillment challenges accompanying this growth, indicating the need to adapt to the demands of both manufacturing and fulfillment processes.

Cody’s CX Team

“Our customer support team is the heart of our company. They are the ones having that interaction with our consumers, and we have an amazing community that confides in us often," Cody said.

In Mixhers' early days, Cody personally managed the customer experience, immersing herself in consumers' stories. As the team expanded, she focused on handpicking individuals who understood the product, mission, and the importance of genuine connection.

"I wanted to make sure they understood our product and underserved mission and had that heart behind it. They also needed to understand the customer as individuals, not just a group wanting to complain.”

Customer support often deals with individuals facing challenges or having a bad day. Cody believes in the need for validation and active listening, especially as customers might not have felt heard elsewhere. 

"I want to make sure they listened and validated because many we serve feel they haven't been validated by those they've sought solutions from."

Mixhers' remote customer support team, consisting of stay-at-home moms, brings diverse perspectives. Cody commends their exceptional performance, handling numerous tickets every day. The team's satisfaction scores consistently exceed 99%, a remarkable achievement in the challenging field of customer support.

Mixhers will continue leveraging its excellent support team as it looks toward the future. The company has grown incredibly fast, recently receiving official recognition as the fastest-growing company in Utah. Cody described the brand's recent growth rate at around 25,000%, but reflects that sustaining that growth isn’t her goal. 

“What we want to do is continue to grow, but we want to do it well.”

Rapid Fire
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