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Anna Laeder from Killerspin

Anna Laeder from Killerspin

Who is Anna Laeder?

Meet Anna Laeder, the Co-Founder & Director of Customer Experience at Killerspin!

About Killerspin

Co-founded in 2000 by Anna, Killerspin has evolved from organizing table tennis events to a leading brand in table tennis equipment. The company distinguishes itself as a luxury brand, catering not only to professional athletes but to families and enthusiasts seeking superior equipment. 

Anna’s CX Journey: Integrating UX and CX

Anna’s foray into the world of customer experience (CX) is deeply rooted in her background in user experience (UX). She notes, “The technical [UX] background helps me a lot to be in sync with innovations in the market.” Initially focused on the technical aspects of the online store platforms, she quickly recognized CX's crucial role in Killerspin's E-Commerce success. This realization led her to leverage her UX knowledge for a deeper understanding of customer interactions, appreciating customer preferences and behaviors online. Her UX expertise now significantly informs Killerspin's CX strategy.

Team Structure and Outsourcing at Killerspin

Anna manages a highly effective, compact team at Killerspin, incorporating a Director of Customer Support who uniquely bridges the roles of customer support and sales. This structure is crucial in their industry, given the complexity of purchasing decisions around table tennis equipment that demands tailored guidance. 

Anna describes the synergy within her team: "Our Director of Customer Support plays a dual role, seamlessly blending the responsibilities of a salesperson with those of customer support. In our industry, customers often approach us with a lot of questions, and navigating through the entire sales cycle can span several days."

In addition to in-house expertise, Killerspin leverages the talents of two outsourced agents based in the Philippines to handle routine customer inquiries. Anna elaborates on the global team dynamic, stating, "It's a great team... they call themselves vampires because they work at night, right into the daytime."

Anna speaks to the importance of fully integrating outsourced team members into the company's ethos, stating, “We provide the training, we provide the resources, everything. They're fully equipped to answer any of the questions." This comprehensive approach ensures that despite geographical distances, the outsourced team is trained to meet the company's standards.

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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Anna places a significant weight on monitoring specific KPIs to ensure the effectiveness of Killerspin's customer service. The primary KPI she focuses on is the lead time for closing customer tickets. This metric is crucial as it reflects the team's efficiency and promptness in resolving customer issues. Anna elaborates, "We don't shadow them, but I'm looking at the analytics to see how long it took for them to answer [a customer’s] question."

In addition to monitoring response times, Anna closely watches customer feedback. This feedback is particularly pertinent when it relates to product satisfaction or issues with delivery. By always paying attention to these details, Anna can quickly make informed decisions about potential areas for improvement. She notes, "I will sound the alarm upon observing significant table damages, as it may indicate a logistic partner failing to fulfill their responsibilities… we're constantly evaluating other partners for that, you know?" This constant evaluation and responsiveness to customer feedback allow Killerspin to adjust its partnerships and make necessary product enhancements.

Automation at Killerspin

Anna emphasizes the strategic use of automation to keep customers engaged with Killerspin's products over time. Acknowledging the longevity of their table tennis tables, she outlines the challenge of maintaining customer interest after the initial purchase. Anna explains, "So automation helps with bringing them back because you bought a table, it's going to stay in your basement for–I don't know–ten years probably, right? So you buy it once. How do you get the people interested?"

To address this, Killerspin has initiated the "Killerspin Academy," a concept aimed at re-engaging customers by leveraging automated emails. These emails are not merely centered around new product releases but strategically timed to coincide with the customer's skill development. After six months of using a beginner paddle, customers receive personalized recommendations to upgrade to a higher-level paddle, aligning with their evolving proficiency from beginner to intermediate and advanced levels. Anna underscores the importance of moving beyond routine product announcements, focusing instead on delivering value by enhancing customers' skills and aligning with their passion for the game. 

This initiative represents a thoughtful approach to using technology not just for operational efficiency but also as a means to enrich the customer experience post-purchase. 

The Role of AI in Killerspin's CX

Anna has expressed a keen interest in leveraging AI to enhance customer engagement and refine Killerspin's marketing strategies. She specifically mentions exploring AI for advertising, stating, "I'm researching the Meta Ads because that's something also they [her CX team] are looking at…how the AI will help you find the correct targeted audience on Facebook." 

Furthermore, like many other CX professionals, Anna emphasizes balancing AI with human interaction, focusing on technology that complements rather than replaces the personalized service at Killerspin.

Building a Community and Educating Customers

Beyond customer service, Anna details the exciting venture of the "Killerspin House" in downtown Chicago, describing it as a hub for their innovative "unplugging" initiative. The initiative specifically targets professionals in IT or finance who spend prolonged hours at desks or computers. Anna emphasizes the rejuvenating power of taking a 15-minute break each day to engage in table tennis, supported by research to improve concentration and energy levels.

Acknowledging the challenges brought by remote work and vacant offices in Chicago, Anna discloses ongoing company collaborations with real estate and property management companies. They aim to create accessible spaces where people can enjoy table tennis as part of a revitalizing break, combating isolation and depression, while fostering community engagement in a post-COVID society.

Looking ahead, Anna envisions expanding the "Killerspin House" concept beyond Chicago, creating satellite locations in other cities. The ultimate goal is to build a thriving community, led by the principles of unplugging and playing, promoting a healthier, more connected lifestyle for individuals in diverse urban settings.

Advice for Other CX Leaders

Anna stresses the importance of adapting to market dynamics and customer needs, noting, "The most important thing is keeping up with evolving customer expectations because the customer expectations are constantly evolving, right?" This perspective highlights the necessity for CX strategies to be flexible and ever-evolving.

Anna emphasizes the danger of stagnation in CX strategies and encourages a proactive approach in always engaging with customers. She adds, "You cannot be stale. You have to be agile. You have to evaluate every possible way how you are communicating with customers, get the feedback, understand the customer."

Rapid Fire


Key Hiring Trait: Openness to learn

AI or no AI?:  Supplemental, not replacement

Favorite CX Communication Channel: Phone

Favorite Podcast:  Design Matters hosted by Debbie Millman

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