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How E-Commerce Fuels Patrick Sherwin’s Mission to Change the Way We Cook Outdoors with GoSun

How E-Commerce Fuels Patrick Sherwin’s Mission to Change the Way We Cook Outdoors with GoSun

Key Insight from

1. Put customers first to create raving fans: Patrick highlights that his success depends on providing excellent customer service. Going above and beyond results in devoted clients who recommend you to others.

2. Encourage innovation from all team members: It's crucial to incorporate a range of viewpoints while coming up with ideas. Employees should be rewarded for creative ideas in all fields, not just products, according to Patrick.

3. Use E-Commerce to educate and build community: By facilitating consumer education and engagement, e-commerce enables GoSun to connect with people who share its values and objectives.

4. Listen to customer feedback for continuous improvement: Customer feedback, particularly via community networks, propels product development and improvement. Significant improvements have resulted from customers' innovative usage of items.

5. Embrace adaptability and reward problem-solving: Innovation entails addressing systemic problems rather than just product development. Patrick encourages adaptation by rewarding staff members who creatively tackle problems.

Who is Patrick Sherwin?

Meet Patrick Sherwin, Founder of GoSun!

About GoSun

Led by a team of engineers and designers, GoSun features a deep product line of camping and boating equipment powered by the sun. Fascinated by the sun’s inexhaustible power, he created revolutionary camping ovens and other solar powered products that work in any environment with sunlight. 

Patrick’s Journey

Patrick has spent over 25 years in the solar industry, navigating what he calls the "solar coaster." With a passion for problem-solving, his career has focused on making solar power more integrated into daily life. However, as the industry shifted towards project financing and economics, Patrick found himself feeling burned out. "A lot of the work became very much focused exclusively on the financing or economic side of the installation," he recalls.

During this time, Patrick began tinkering with an old solar water heater, which eventually sparked his next venture. "I turned it into an incredible oven, kind of as a muse," he says. This led him to explore the small but promising solar cooking industry. He patented a vacuum tube technology, confident it could be a game-changer for sustainable cooking.

After years of refining the product, Patrick launched it on Kickstarter. "It took off like wildfire," he says, marking the beginning of a new chapter in his solar journey. For Patrick, the drive to invent technology that addresses global challenges remains at the heart of his work.

A World-Wide Community 

Patrick sees E-Commerce as a vital part of his success, crediting it with helping him reach customers seeking solutions like his. "I couldn’t do what I’m doing without E-Commerce," he explains. Through online platforms, he has been able to educate consumers and find alignment with those who resonate with his product's mission.

Community has also played a significant role in driving innovation within his company. A Facebook community page, where customers share feedback and ideas, has influenced product development. "Hearing from the customers...the way they're adapting or using the product for a different application has led to meaningful improvements,” he shares.

For Patrick, the evolution of his company through E-Commerce is particularly exciting. He values the ability to educate and inform consumers in ways that would be challenging in a traditional retail setting, making E-Commerce central to his strategy.

Business Growth and Revenue Strategies

 Patrick admits he initially underestimated the importance of customer service. Over the last decade, however, he has learned just how crucial it is to the company's success. Today, customer satisfaction is a core part of the company ethos. "We put the customer first," he explains, striving to create "raving fans" rather than just satisfied buyers.

Patrick's vision is to offer an experience comparable to Nordstrom or Apple's Genius Bar—where customers leave delighted and eager to share their experience. His company invests heavily in customer support, not just addressing immediate needs but also expanding the possibilities for product use. "We hold their hands," Patrick says, providing videos, tips, and ideas to help customers get the most out of their products.

The Importance of CX

Patrick prides himself on his company’s unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. "There has never been a customer that we couldn't make happy," he asserts, acknowledging that some customers may come in upset. Yet, through empathy and a reflective approach, he believes in turning even the toughest situations around. Drawing on principles from Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People, Patrick aims not just to resolve issues but to create "raving fans."

His team practices this ethos by going above and beyond to solve any problem, no matter how small. This dedication to exceptional service is a cornerstone of the company's success and reputation.

Innovation and Adaptability

Innovation is central to Patrick's company, where quarterly meetings are held to review all ideas within the realm of clean technology. "Everyone on the team is involved," he says, emphasizing the collaborative nature of these sessions. New ideas can be added to a constantly evolving chart, and employees are given [monetary/financial] incentives for their ideas meeting a certain criteria. "It can't just be any old crummy idea," Patrick explains. The idea has to reach a certain level of merit to be considered.”

Diversity is a priority in these innovation meetings, with team members from various backgrounds contributing to ensure a wide range of perspectives. "Nobody's got a perfect crystal ball," Patrick notes, “so having different opinions is crucial. The meetings are more than just business—they're an opportunity to bond over a good meal and foster a family-like atmosphere.”

Patrick believes innovation isn't limited to products. "Innovation hits every side of the business," he says, encouraging his team to think creatively in all areas. Those who solve systemic problems are rewarded for their contributions, keeping the spirit of innovation alive across the company.

For Patrick, growth is about building on past successes while exploring new opportunities. "We’re continuing to do the things that we’ve thrived or excelled at," he says, pointing to the company's success with crowdfunding as a key driver of their momentum. This model, which has fueled their growth from the beginning, remains a vital part of their strategy.

Recently, the company unveiled a new product using a similar pre-sale and crowdfunding approach, this time entering the electric vehicle space. The early response has been promising, with the product gaining traction in a competitive market. Patrick’s approach to growth emphasizes sticking with what works while pushing into new, innovative areas to expand the company’s reach.

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